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Modern behavior has, for example, been inferred from certain traits in the archaeological record.

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Many discussions do not use theoretically developed standards such as symbolism or planning capabilities to identify modern behavior, but rely on the archaeological record itself as guide. There is lively debate and divergent points of view on the appropriate markers for modern behavior in the archaeological record (Nowell 2010).

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Traces of 'Modern Behavior' in the Archaeological Record Archaeological artifacts that were produced by thinking ahead of future actions, anticipating problems and preparing responses provide evidence for modern planning abilities (Wadley 2010). Modern behavior also consists of other components such as advanced problem solving and long range planning abilities (Wynn & Coolidge 2011). The pervasiveness of symbolism in present-day human culture is the reason why archaeologists frequently search for artifacts that reflect ‘symbolically mediated behavior' (Henshilwood & Marean 2003). One of the evolved capabilities underlying modern behavior is the ability to communicate habitually and effortlessly in symbols. Modern behavior can be recognized by creative and innovative culture, language, art, religious beliefs, and complex technologies (d'Errico & Stringer 2011). Humans living today have developed the capacity for ‘modern behavior'.

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One of the major issues in palaeoanthropology and archaeology is when our hominin ancestors became like us.

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